He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.

— Proverbs 14:31

Your tax deductible contribution can be made online through your PayPal account or by mailing a check or money order to the address below:

Shepherds of Love Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 5043
Edmond, OK 73083-5043

Disclaimer: Shepherds of Love Ministries gratefully acknowledges receipt of your donation. Donations for a specific Lamb will be considered a “temporary restriction”. When the needs of a specific Lamb have been fulfilled and excess funds are received, SOLM will actively attempt to apply excess donations to a similar situation before releasing the “temporary restriction” resulting in unrestricted funds.

Your canceled check will be proof of your donation. We will send annual statements of donations received for tax purposes; these will be mailed during the month of January to all donors. We will continue to send Thank You letters and the Newsletter throughout the year informing you of the positive impact of Shepherds of Love Ministries is having on the community.

Our IRS Form 990 is available upon request.